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“Ah seen a man so ugly till they spread a sheet over his head at night so sleep could slip up on him.”
“It's not the end of the world.”
“Huldy was one o' them that has the gift, so that ef you jist give 'em the leastest sprig of anything they make a great bush out of it right away ...”
“Valentine's tiresome sister has lost her job. And created over this as if she had lost her hair, her teeth, her legs, her good name, and her latchkey.”
“Everything is 'colossalized' — events, fortunes, accidents, climate, conversation, ambitions — everything is in the extreme ... They can't even have a tram run off a line, which in England or France might kill one or two people, without its making a holocaust of half a street full. ... The thing which surprises me is they should still employ animals of normal size; one would expect to see elephants and mammoths drawing the hansoms and carts!”
“Exaggeration is the cheapest form of humor.”
“Americans specially love superlatives. The phrases 'biggest in the world,' 'finest in the world,' are on all lips.”
“... I know exaggerators of both kinds: people whose lies are only picturesque adjectives, and people whose picturesque adjectives are only lies.”
“Is the scraping off of a barnacle the destruction of a ship?”
“When I was little, my father used to sell guns and ammo at a sporting goods store, but I always told everyone he was an arms dealer, because it sounded more exciting.”
“Magnifying a matter is not the way to mend it.”
“... no one had experiences any more, only traumas.”
“[On Alice Keppel:] To hear Alice talk about her escape from France, one would have thought that she had swum the Channel with her maid between her teeth.”
“I'm often accused of 'going too far,' but I recognize that behind my desire to shock is an even stronger desire to evade the 'feminine' stereotype: 'You say women are afraid of mice? I'll show you! I'll eat the mouse!'”
“... the large black slugs ... come out at dusk. Enormous slugs. As big as crocodiles. So huge we need a gun to shoot them. And by the end of the summer, if they go on growing, we shall have to go out in pairs together for protection.”
“[When asked why she never insured her valuable left arm with Lloyds of London:] The answer is simple. They wanted an arm and a leg.”
“... her own excited feelings had magnified it in length, and breadth, and height — had made a molehill into a mountain ...”
“Probably one of the reasons why gushing is so unattractive is that it leaves nothing for the listener to do.”
“Some folks never exaggerate — they just remember big.”