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Quotes for Today

  • ... don't let anything make you believe that there are not as many decent men in the world as women, and they're just as decent. Life isn't worth living unless you know that — and it's true.

  • It is a curious fact, but a fact it is, that your witty people are the most hard-hearted in the world. The truth is, fancy destroys feeling. The quick eye to the ridiculous turns every thing to the absurd side; and the neat sentence, the lively allusion, and the odd simile, invest what they touch with something of their own buoyant nature. Humor is of the heart, and has its tears; but wit is of the head, and has only smiles — and the majority of those are bitter.

  • ... a woman obsessed with her body is also obsessed with the limitations of her emotional life.

  • ... war with poison and chemicals was not so rare in the ancient world ... An astounding panoply of toxic substances, venomous creatures, poison plants, animals and insects, deleterious environments, virulent pathogens, infectious agents, noxious gases, and combustible chemicals were marshalled to defeat foes — and panoply is an apt term here, because it is the ancient Greek word for 'all weapons.'

  • A freshet in the autumn does not compensate for a drought in the spring.

  • Mrs. Bredalbane ... laughed with the genial insolence which, it seemed to him, Nature had reserved for twin sisters.

  • It's never too late, in fiction or in life, to revise.

  • There's something stubborn about families, unhappy ones in particular: they outlive themselves, and then they live on.