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“An image is a stop the mind makes between uncertainties.”
“Images are ... a kind of emotional shorthand.”
“Images anesthetize. An event known through photographs certainly becomes more real than it would have been if one had never seen the photographs ... But after repeated exposure to images it also becomes less real. ... 'concerned' photography has done at least as much to deaden conscience as to arouse it.”
“Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies; it is the most irresistible form of mental pollution.”
“An image is a bridge between evoked emotion and conscious knowledge; words are the cables that hold up the bridge. Images are more direct, more immediate than words, and closer to the unconscious. Picture language precedes thinking in words; the metaphorical mind precedes analytical consciousness.”
“Imagery is the universal language of the unconscious.”
“The high intellectual value of images, however, lies in the fact that they usually, and perhaps always, fit more than one actual experience.”
“Image is an international language.”