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Health Care
“Health care is news, partly because of costs and partly because of length of life, both of which exceed expectations.”
“We have never seen health as a right. It has been conceived as a privilege, available only to those who can afford it. This is the real reason the American health care system is in such a scandalous state.”
“Nobody complains about hospital food anymore; perhaps hospitals no longer need to serve food, since all the patients are sent home before dinnertime. Consumer advocates urge us to get tough with our provide organizations, demand our rights, and stomp out in a snit to try elsewhere, but this is a lot to ask when we're wobbly and feverish, or perhaps unconscious.”
“Poor kids are much more likely to become sick than their richer counterparts, but much less likely to have health insurance. Talk about a double whammy.”
“Our health care system will not truly serve the needs and welfare of the public until it is separated from profitmaking enterprises.”
“Just as physicians have regulated medical practice to maximize their autonomy and profits, so will the giant corporations and their administrators use the health industry to build up power and profits.”
“What we have is 'sickness' care.”
“Time was when medicine could do very little for critically ill or dying patients. Now it can do too much. Where to draw the line is the subject of a broad, heated debate throughout the country, a debate that becomes louder with each new medical miracle or impossible case ....”
“We are fast moving toward an aristocracy of health.”
“How much ... did the volume of disease in a nation account for its spirit? If so, the eradication of sickness, as far as it was possible, was a responsibility a democracy must assume for its people.”
“We currently have a system for taking care of sickness. We do not have a system for enhancing and promoting health.”
“Health care delivery is one of the tragedies still in America.”
“No private scheme can ever be devised that will bring medical service to the majority of the people of the United States. We are gradually learning that under our economic system of 'free enterprise,' adequate medical service can never be paid for as a private cost.”
“France, like every other Western country except the United States, has long accepted the principle that comprehensive health care is the right of every citizen. No Frenchman need ever fear that catastrophic illness will wipe him out financially. How long, do you suppose, will it take us, in the United States, to catch up?”
“There is little doubt that the trend today is toward some form of 'controlled' medicine in the United States.”
“... America must deal once and for all with an utterly irrational health care financing system that allows private interests to make billions in profits from the pain and suffering of their fellow citizens. America is the only country in the industrialized world that does not provide tax-supported universal health care coverage in some form.”
“Health is a human right, not a privilege to be purchased.”