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“You can't have a tin can tied to your tail and go through life pretending it isn't there. ”
“It takes an enormous amount of energy, creative energy withdrawn from the total economy of the person, to hold a trait underground, and, unfortunately, needs and drives do not go underground alone; they carry with them useful parts of the personality, depriving it of richness and the possibility of a variety of response.”
“To live with the terrible truths about ourselves is the only way of not living them out. A need denied has infinitely more power than a need accepted.”
“Nature protects us in our uttermost losses by a density through which conviction is slow to penetrate.”
“It has always been my belief that children inherit the suppressed tendencies of their parents. A clergyman's son frequently shows abnormal tastes for the pleasures that his father denied himself ...”
“Great repressions create dualities.”
“It is through suppression that hells are formed in us.”
“He had had experience with suppression; whatever it was didn't stay suppressed, but wandered around in the body and the mind looking for a place to hurt.”
“... nothing good ever comes out of denying the truth about our situation.”
“Whatever we repress eventually develops aspects of terror.”
“Denial: my family heritage. If you don't ask the questions, the truth will never inconvenience you.”
“Whatever misfortune came, he was always able to meet it by refusing to recognize it for what it was.”
“Denial can be a pathology or a survival mechanism — and sometimes it's both.”
“I was steeped in denial, but my body knew.”
“Part of what makes a situation traumatic is not talking about it. Talking reduces trauma symptoms. When we don't talk about trauma, we remain emotionally illiterate. Our most powerful feelings go unnamed and unspoken.”
“... what you try to bury just ends up burying you.”
“People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons. From within.”
“Our house was engulfed in flames, yet I was told repeatedly that there was no fire.”