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“Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.”
“... considering how dangerous everything is nothing is really very frightening.”
“Haven't you learned yet that it isn't age but lack of experience that makes us fall off ladders or have radiators fall on us.”
“In danger there is great power.”
“Unfortunately, like caffeine, adrenaline is addicting. And like any drug, it has three actions: the one you want, the one you don't want, and the one you don't know about.”
“Nor at that time could any power on earth have convinced me that I should find myself late one terrible night, sans my dress and my false hair, dangling from the eaves of the Richelieu Hotel in pursuit of a triple slayer.”
“The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is.”
“Danger hides in beauty and beauty in danger.”
“Hindsight has repeatedly shown that we humans have a tendency to underestimate hazard, or to overestimate our ability to deal with it.”
“If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance.”