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Lauren Bacall
“Imagination is the highest kite that can fly.”
“All actors are terrified — they just learn how to control it.”
“... the real stakes in the theater are high — they are life stakes. That's what I love about it. You gamble with your life, and that's a gamble worth taking.”
“A man's illness is his private territory and, no matter how much he loves you and how close you are, you stay an outsider.”
“How strange — a daughter watching the mother who had given her life lose her own. Is that what it's all about?”
“The purity of Jewish upbringing — the restrictions that one carries through life being a 'nice Jewish girl' — what a burden.”
“He met Mayo — fell into something with her (drink and bed, I should think) ... ”
“Looking at yourself in a mirror isn't exactly a study of life.”
“Hollywood is the only place in the world where an amicable divorce means each one gets fifty percent of the publicity.”
“I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that.”
“Growing up takes longer than you think.”
“Life is not what you expected it to be.”
“One thing I am convinced of is that the more you do, the more you can do.”
“... we have been drowning in mediocrity for too many years.”
“Isn't hope an incredible, a wonderfully demented thing?”
“You spend a good part of your adult life acquiring things: building a home, filling it with objects that please your eye and make you feel comfortable. Then you spend the last part of your life trying to figure out how to get rid of it all.”
“How long an actress lives professionally depends on her stamina, the extent of her masochism, her imagination, and her yearning for recognition or approval.”
“In the world of relationships, possibly the most complicated, uncommon, hard to find, hard to keep and most rewarding has got to be friendship.”
“Each time a friend dies, the present becomes the past, in an instant.”
“I'm crazy enough to believe in taking chances in every way, in making choices and gambling with your life. That's the kind of gambling I believe in.”
“I'll miss Hollywood. Of the twenty friends I thought I had, I'll miss the six I really had.”
“I figure if I have my health, can pay the rent and I have my friends, I call it 'content.'”
“I'm not a has-been. I'm a will-be.”
Lauren Bacall, U.S. actor
Born Betty Joan Perske.