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Alice B. Sheldon
“Women have no rights, Don, except what men allow us. Men are more aggressive and powerful, and they run the world. When the next real crisis upsets them, our so-called rights will vanish like — like that smoke. We'll be back where we always were: property. And what has gone wrong will be blamed on our freedom, like the fall of Rome was. You'll see.”
“I dreamed horse and lived horse and expected, if necessary, to marry a horse; for all practical purposes I was a horse.”
“'Ouch' simply is not a story.”
“The only way I can possibly heat my so-called mind up to working temperature is to imagine I'm talking to someone I admire.”
“Certainly my inner world will never be a peaceful place of bloom; it will have some peace, and occasional riots of bloom, but always a little fight going on too. There is no way I can be peacefully happy in this society and in this skin. I am committed to Uneasy Street. I like it; it is my idea that this street leads to the future, and that I am being true to a way of life which is not here yet, but is more real than what is here.”
“Being, I imagine, must be very simple. It is Becoming which is so messy and which I am all for.”
“All I can say is that laughter is my music; I would deeply suspect an argument which hadn't laughter.”
“You know, exams are like war — the birth rate of ideas goes up. Anything to keep from this dismal regimen, says poor mind, and hopefully tosses up another distraction.”
“I cannot teach — if I teach as teaching should be I become so exhausted I nearly die, I seem to have no middle gear.”
“Evil is the voltage of good; the urge to goodness, without the potential of evil, is trivial.”
“I am one of those that always get accidentally guillotined when the Great Day of Liberation comes, because ... I guess ... I am full of parentheses. Revolutions can't abide parentheses.”
“Consider how odd it would be if all we knew about elephants had been written by elephants. Would we recognize one? ... So when the human male describes his world he maps its distances from his unspoken natural center of reference, himself. He calls a swamp 'impenetrable,' a dog 'loyal' and a woman 'short.' ... The only animal who can observe man from the outside is of course the human female: we women who live in his house, in his shadow, on his planet. And it is important that we do this. This incompletely known animal conditions every aspect of our individual lives and holds the destruction of Earth in his hands.”
“Did you ever look into the personalities of male cooks, Army, logging camp, etc.? They're all supposed to be crazy, incomprehensible, contemptible. And angry. The act of feeding adult males seems to have strange personality effects.”
Alice B. Sheldon, U.S. writer
(1915 - 1987)
Full name: Alice Hastings Bradley Davey Sheldon. She also wrote as James Tiptree, Jr. See quotes under that name.