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Mara Faulkner
“[On her father's blindness:] What is it like to have only footsteps and the thin music of voices? How does dependence, even on loved ones, twist you, make you always angry, a smoldering peat fire easily stirred to flame that blinds your children to your tenderness? What is it like not to be able to see the face of your wife or child crumple in pain when you lash out; not to know if faces are looking on you with pity or amusement, contempt or love; not to see rolled eyes, conspiratorial glances, boredom? What dangers lurk underfoot or to each side, and who's waiting to cheat the old blind guy out of his money, his wife, his kids?”
“[Popular saying among the nuns:] If you've met one Benedictine, you've met one Benedictine.”
Mara Faulkner, U.S. educator, writer
Full name: Mara Faulkner, OSB.