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Barbara Graham
“Believe it or not, I used to be a self-help victim. A hapless seeker trapped on the treadmill of self-improvement. For years, I left no stone unturned. I perfected my orgasm. I fell in love with myself. I got in touch with my shadow, my inner child, my past lives, my power animals, my Higher Self, my lower chakras and my former husbands (they owed me money and as soon as I got in touch with my rage, I went after them). I learned how to rebirth, rebreathe, meditate, communicate, have meaningful dreams and walk on hot coals.”
“... more than any other part of the female anatomy, a woman identifies with her hair. A woman is her hair. In fact, it's very hard to have a really bad hair day, but a good day otherwise. Because for some crazy reason that scientists have yet to explain, the hairdo is directly linked to the she-babe soul.”
“The main reason guys will never admit to having even the teeniest clue about what women really want is because if they did, they'd have to do something about it.”