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Loretta Gage
“... we veterinarians — though trained as physicians — are, in fact, more like mechanics in many ways. Our patients are repaired only as long as their value exeeds the cost of upkeep, though often, it is is true, that value is defined by emotion and love.”
“Faced with two evils, I picked one every time.”
“It takes a long, long time for living tissue to petrify, so long that change is incomprehensible, for a tree to turn to rock. ... It takes a long time, too, for a heart to turn to stone.”
“Horses are predictably unpredictable. They are said to be rather stupid, but, in fact, they are, like most animals, quite intelligent in the ways that they need to be intelligent.”
“... the worth of any animal is determined by its owner. This is probably the single hardest thing about being a doctor of animals — when the treatment isn't limited by my skill, education, or experience, or even by the state of veterinary medicine itself, but by the depth of the client's wallet. ... It's a heartbreaker when the question is medical and the answer is economic.”
Loretta Gage, U.S. veterinarian