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Mary Ashton Livermore
“Other books have been written by men physicians ... One would suppose in reading them that women possessed but one class of physical organs, and that these are always diseased. Such teaching is pestiferous, and tends to cause and perpetuate the very evils it professes to remedy.”
“'The woman Thou gavest me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat,' is still the pitiful plea of the shirk and the coward.”
“Fathers and mothers, wives and sisters, were in the wards beside the men they loved, and who had passed through the hell of battle alive, but mangled and mutilated. How they fought death, incy by inch, for possession of these remnants of humanity! In every ward were dying men; in every dead-house were the coffined dead, and the ambulance, standing near, was ready to take the cold sleepers to their last resting-places.”
Mary Ashton Livermore, U.S. health reformer, hospital administrator, writer
(1820 - 1905)
Full name: Mary Ashton Rice Livermore.