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Julie M. Lippmann
“Some women have to cling to somethin', no matter if they have to support it themselves.”
“... there's times when somethin' steamin' does your heart as much good as it does your stummick, which, the two o' them bein' such near neighbors, no wonder we get 'em mixed up sometimes, an' think the one is starved when it's only the other.”
“... if you ain't got on to it by now, that I'm no little, tremblin' wife, you never will. Those kind has nerves. I only got nerve.”
“I'm all for women myself. I believe they're the comin' man.”
“You can monkey with your brain, an' make it believe all sorts of tommyrot, but your heart is dead on to you, an' when it once sets in hankerin' it means business.”
“'You think money the universal solvent?' 'I think the lack of it the universal insolvent.'”
Julie M. Lippmann, U.S. writer, playwright, critic
(1864 - 1952)
Full name: Julie Mathilde Lippmann.