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Ann Linnea
“When we deliberately leave the safety of the shore of our lives, we surrender to a mystery beyond our intent.”
“The lessons of the wilderness have not always been easy, but they have been profound.”
“I had always paddled canoes, but a kayak is different from a canoe. You get into a canoe. You wear a kayak.”
“Ah, the disappointment of remaining put when one is ready to leave ...”
“Solitude offers the greatest opportunity for the fine-tuning of our souls.”
“The cycle of grief has its own timetable. Until that cycle is honored and completed we are moving along life's path with an anchor down.”
“There comes a time in our lives when we are called to believe the unbelievable. If we allow ourselves to believe, we open the door to the infinite possibility of who we might become.”
“The essence of parenting is to never lose faith in your child and the essence of adulthood is to assume that faith in yourself.”
“... leaders are willing to put themselves on the line. I don't believe you can play it safe and be a leader.”
Ann Linnea, U.S. writer, educator, facilitator