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Laura Z. Hobson
“No yellow armband, no marked park bench, no Gestapo. Just here a flick and there another. ... But day by day the little thump of insult. Day by day the tapping on the nerves, the delicate assault on the proud stuff of a man's identity.”
“We are born in innocence. ... Corruption comes later. The first fear is a corruption, the first reaching for something that defies us. The first nuance of difference, the first need to feel better than the different one, more loved, stronger, richer, more blessed — these are corruptions.”
“'I'm no antisemite. Why, some of my best — ' 'I know, dear,' Anne put in, 'and some of your other best friends are Methodists, but you never bother saying it.'”
“... he stood up and looked down at his bed accusingly, as a man might look at his tormentor. He saw its battered pillow, its blankets slipping to the floor. Sinking to the floor, he amended, staggering to the floor. Perhaps he was the tormentor and the bed his victim.”
“I've told youngsters not to write their autobiographical novel at the age of twenty-one; to save it for the time when they're fifty-one or sixty-one. They should write other novels first, to learn their craft; they shouldn't cut their teeth on the valuable material of childhood because they'll never have better material, ever, to work with.”
“Writers talk about the agony of writing; I talk about the agony of not writing.”
“Why didn't children ever see that they could damage and harm their parents as much as parents could damage and harm children?”
Laura Z. Hobson, U.S. novelist
(1900 - 1986)
Full name: Laura Kean Zametkin Hobson.