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Lois Borland Hart
“... a leader does not learn and grow in isolation. Women moving into leadership need to seek support from others, using the socio-emotional, financial, psychological, and intellectual resources others can provide.”
“A decision maker must be willing to accept her limits, to recognize that she, like other mortals, will at times make poor and inappropriate decisions. Yet an effective leader does not lament, 'How dumb I was to make that decision!' Instead, she says, 'Well, I made the best decision I could at that time — and believes that statement.”
“It has been said that there are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Because the planning function is essential to effective organizational leadership, leaders cannot watch or wonder; they must do and plan.”
“In preparing for planning responsibilities, it is extremely important to be clear on your own philosophy — your beliefs and attitudes about yourself and others, your view of human nature, and your conceptions of the role of institutions in society. ... Each decision a leader makes reflects either a personal or organizational philosophy.”