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Laurence Hope
“Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar, / Where are you now? Who lies beneath your spell?”
“Sleep on, I sit and watch your tent in silence, / White as a sail upon this sandy sea, / And know the Desert's self is not more boundless / Than is the distance 'twixt yourself and me.”
“I shall go the way of the open sea, / To the lands I knew before you came, / And the cool clean breezes shall blow from me / The memory of your name.”
“'Nothing succeeds as doth succeed Success!' / None who have known Success assent to this.”
“... now that Fate / Has brought me what so long, I so desired, / It is too late, / I am too tired.”
“My faithfulness is but fidelity / Since I am never faithful, but to you.”
“If Fate should say, 'Thy course is run,' / It would not make me sad; / All that I wished to do is done, / All that I would have, had.”
Laurence Hope, English poet
(1865 - 1904)
Real name: Adela Florence Cory Nicolson.