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Patricia McCairen
“The same fear ... has kept me stuck in life so many times before, afraid to move forward, to take a step that would free me from the ordinary, the mundane, the insufferable. A crippling fear that deadens my potential and limits my relationship with the world. It's so easy to cling to the familiar, even when it's deplorable.”
“Too often when I am with other people I hand over my freedom and values as if they are the price of admission to companionship. I expect others to be as harsh with me as the critic living in my mind — the critic with my mother's voice.”
“... loneliness is the absence of love in one's life. Not idealized love, but loving oneself. I'm lonely when I'm out of harmony with myself.”
Patricia McCairen, U.S. rafting guide, outdoorswoman, photographer, writer
Full name: Patricia C. “Patch” McCairen.