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Mary Adams
“I know two things in this world that never, never tire me and always rest me — I wonder if they always will? One is a sunset, and the other is an open wood fire.”
“... it is the greatest mistake, both in life and in literature, to suppose that love is the difficult, the complicated thing. It is not love, it is friendship, which is the great problem of civilized society. The other is quite elemental beside it.”
“Happiness is a tide: it carries you only a little way at a time; but you have covered a vast space before you know that you are moving at all.”
“In marriage, one cannot do anything alone — not even suffer.”
“The great crises of life are not, I think, necessarily those which are in themselves the hardest to bear, but those for which we are least prepared.”
“I think there is this about the great troubles — they teach us the art of cheerfulness; whereas the small ones cultivate the industry of discontent.”
“In all separations there are the elements of eternity; and in every farewell to the being we love we set foot upon an undug grave.”
“... I am not yet religious: I am only disillusioned with the irreligious.”
“Next to God, the best thing is a true-hearted and high-minded friend.”
“The happiest people in this world are the convalescents.”
“One never again quite trusts human happiness, I find, after one has experienced great misery.”
“The night is wild and wet. It makes faces at me when I go to the window, like a big gargoyle ...”
Mary Adams, U.S. writer
The identity of Mary Adams has not yet been discovered.