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  • ... in came a large, handsome old woman with an eye about as friendly as a bull in a field ...

  • The eyelids confess, and reject, and refuse to reject. They have expressed all things ever since man was man. And they express so much by seeming to hide or to reveal that which indeed expresses nothing. For there is no message from the eye. It has direction, it moves, in the service of the sense of sight; it receives the messages of the world. But expression is outward, and the eye has it not. There are no windows of the soul, there are only curtains ...

  • ... her eyes were so brown they appeared to have no pupils, giving her the smoldering look of a burning tire.

  • What are so mysterious as the eyes of a child?

  • I can see close up and my husband can see far away, so we're covered. He tells me who's in the movie and I tell him what's in his sandwich. Together we're human bifocals.

  • Eyes of youth have sharp sight, but commonly not so deep as those of elder age ...

    • Elizabeth I,
    • in Leah S. Marcus et al., eds., Elizabeth I: Collected Works ()
  • She is a gray cat, but around her eyes the fur is black, so that she looks a little like those fifteen-year-olds who believe that being Cleopatra is mostly a matter of mascara.

  • ... there's looks as speaks as strong as words ...

  • All this [Soviet labor camp for political prisoners] brings about one marked change in your physical appearance; by the end of your first year, you will have what are known as 'zek's eyes.' The look in a zek's eyes is impossible to describe, but once encountered, it is never forgotten. When you emerge, your friends, embracing you, will exclaim: 'Your eyes! Your eyes have changed!' And not one of your tormentors will be able to bear your scrutiny. They will turn away from it, like beaten dogs.

  • The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter — often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter — in the eye.

  • ... she drooped her eyelids and put on an expression that made her face look like an unmade bed ...

  • ... his eyes ... not only undressed you unblinkingly, but shaved your head, called your parents, and refused to refinance your house.

  • They told me later my eyes were sticking out like organ stops.

    • Anne Worboys,
    • "The Last Cog in the Law Machine," in Dilys Winn, Murder Ink ()
  • ... he had the Irish eye that takes the audience into its confidence at once ...

    • Martin Ross,
    • 1905, in Gifford Lewis, ed., The Selected Letters of Somerville and Ross ()
  • Her eyes were like two thumbtacks, trying to pin me to the wall.

  • Look in the mirror. The face that pins you with its double gaze reveals a chastening secret. You are looking into a predator's eyes. Most predators have eyes set right on the front of their heads, so they can use binocular vision to sight and track their prey. ... Prey, on the other hand, have eyes at the sides of their heads, because what they really need is peripheral vision, so they can tell when something is sneaking up behind them. Something like us.

  • Her dull mushroom eyes seemed to have grown smaller, as though they had been sautéed too long.

  • She had large, brown eyes like mushroom caps ...

  • I am the eye / without a lid / looking at you.

  • ... the woman's eyes were alive as oysters.

  • When she raises her eyelids it's as if she were taking off her clothes.

  • When people don't make eye contact, there's a reason.

  • She looks like her eyes have been taken out and deep-fried ...

  • His eyes looked like two nervous fish trying to escape from a glass bowl.

  • The eye is complicated. It mixes the colors [it sees] for you ... The painter must unmix them and lay them on again shade by shade, and then the eye of the beholder takes over and mixes them again.

  • She had always loved his eyes. They were completely clear and unflinching — the eyes of a boy who read adventure stories and had dedicated himself to live up to their code of courage and honour.

  • She had a curiously intense stare, like a greedy child waiting for sweets.

  • Was she so loved because her eyes were so beautiful or were her eyes so beautiful because she was so loved?

  • ... he blinked his near-sighted eyes at us with the pleased and self-congratulatory air of a hen who has just laid a particularly fine egg.

  • Her light blue eyes were like two busy hands.

  • Eyes, what are they? Colored glass, / Where reflections come and pass. / Open windows — by them sit / Beauty, Learning, Love, and Wit.

    • Mary E. Coleridge,
    • "Eyes" (1890), in Theresa Whistler, ed., The Collected Poems of Mary Coleridge ()
  • Her eyes burned under their penthouses, sometime straying towards Seth as he sat sprawling in the lusty pride of casual manhood, with a good many buttons and tapes undone. Then those same eyes, dark as prisoned king-cobras, would slide round until they rested upon the bitter white head and raddled red neck of Amos, her husband, and then, like praying mantises, they would retreat between their lids.

  • His eyes were pools of pain, in which his bruised thoughts darted and fed like tortured fish.

  • ... his eyes were shiny and flat as mirrors.

  • She ... stares at me without blinking her cold yellow eyes. She has the look of a hawk, of a person who can see into the future but won't tell you about it.

  • ... his eyes were always lowered — they have never borne the weight of another's gaze.

    • Georgette Leblanc,
    • in Janet Flanner, trans., Souvenirs: My Life With Maeterlinck ()
  • Sunglasses are the twentieth-century equivalent of fans and veils. People use sunglasses to hide themselves. There is a particular art to taking off sunglasses, of choosing exactly the right moment to reveal yourself.