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Jennifer Williams

  • Privacy means more to us than ever, now that almost anyone with a modicum of computer savvy can access our most personal files. In the cool, public world of electronic media, a lettter still exudes the warm scent of unassailable privacy.

  • E-mail correspondence tends to be far less personal than most correspondence because it is so public. Loss of intimacy is the price we pay, ultimately, for the convenience of speed.

  • And never ever begin or end a letter by telling the person to whom you are writing that you are dashing off your thoughts because you have so many other things to do. On the other end of the letter your friend will read: 'Writing to you is less important than a million other things.'

  • If valentines are the equivalent of a gentle rain, love letters have all the power and unpredictability of a tropical storm.

  • Philosophers and poets may argue that true love is ephemeral ... but lovers know better: It is physical. Love can be made to ring under our feet with all the certainty of stone.

  • A love letter is a caress on paper, a kiss that lasts forever.

  • Of course, one can coo happily over the telephone for hours on end, or print amorous E-mails, but it's just not quite the same as receiving a letter through the mail. For one thing, part of the joy of receiving a love letter, though it sounds perverse, is surviving the long and anguished wait for it.

  • A prompt response is a sign of vigorous and authentic concern; nothing could be more flattering or touching to the recipient.

  • Every letter is a creative act that has the potential to bridge almost any distance or difference of opinion. Each one brings us closer to an understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Jennifer Williams, U.S. writer