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Jill Janov

  • Effectiveness today involves the creation and maintenance of relationships among customers and suppliers, among those who toil together, and between individuals and their places of work. Our ability to achieve our highest potential at work now rests on the relationships we create.

  • We may act as if some lead and others follow. The reality is that everyone leads and everyone follows. In successive levels of system, those who 'lead' at one level of system become those who 'follow' at another level of system. ... Both roles arise out of assumptions about the hierarchy of organizational control that confine leadership behaviors to a role instead of seeing behaviors as actions that are available regardless of role.

  • How we use power and which forms of power we use create our reputations. Our reputations are critical to our success. They are determined not only by our behavior but by the subtle and not so subtle strategies we use, including whether we present a nonthreatening image, align with powerful others, develop liaisons, use trade-offs, and diffuse opposition. Our reputations, more than anything else, determine the degree of personal power we have.

  • Personal power is derived from three attributes: credibility, integrity, and trust. Each of these is an outcome of our words and deeds. Each is earned in the moment, each is created over a lifetime, and each is a hallmark of our character insofar as we are consistent in our actions. Our reputation can be obliterated in the blink of an eye. We bank our credibility, integrity, and trust in successive interactions and transactions with others. For many the account is low. For some it does not exist. For others, the account has been emptied. Whether the account is depleted or building, it is only as full as the last transaction.

  • Personal power, which is derived from our ability to act in the interest of ourselves and others, is developed from our ability to first clearly see and understand ourselves.

Jill Janov, U.S. nonprofit consultant, writer